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Friday, October 8, 2010

United Against the Crazies

After many years in Library Land, I have seen many oddballs, nutcases, wackos, and freaks come in to our library.  The repeat "customers" and most memorable ones we give nick names.  There are the ones that sound like some kind of bad superhero names like; "Moped-man", "Afid -man", "Ratman" and "crazy hair nice legs man."  Then there are the ones that have crazy in their names; "Crazy Paul", "Crazy backpack guy", "Crazy recipe guy" and "crazy trash can talker".  I once did a PowerPoint about a few of our favs for a speech class. The speech actually resulted in my Professor stopping in for a visit to see where "crazy backpack guy" hung out one summer.

Recently, we had a patron using a computer keyboard as a pillow, while looking for pictures of butterflies on the Internet.  She claimed to be looking for the pictures for a possible tattoo.  She printed out nearly $10 worth of pictures, many of which were duplicates.  When she left after over 2 hours in the room, she had an imprint of the keyboard on forehead and said "it's so warm in that room you could about fall asleep." 

Without my friends/co-workers, some days would be unbearable, but because we can commiserate with one another and share our common stories, it allows work to be an adventure....everyday.

1 comment:

  1. It's been 10 years since I've worked at the library and I remember there being a lot of them, but I forgot all about crazy hair nice legs man! Too funny!
